How Saunas Heal Mental Health

Did you know using sauna regularly can heal and improve your mental health? Especially, infrared saunas are popular for health benefits. Spending a few hours in sauna rooms can heal your body as well as mind in a great way. Want to know how sauna rooms can improve your mental health? Then check out the following post –

  • Saunas help in improving your mood and reducing depression. By exerting some stress on your body sauna helps your brain to produce and release euphoric hormones which instantly improves your mood and you end up being happy consistently.If you feel depressed at times, you can spend some time in sauna rooms which will heal your mental stress, loss of appetite and fatigue to a certain extent.
  • Saunas help you fight back anxiety and stress. Regular saunas lower the levels of cortisol, which is the main stress hormone of our body. Therefore, it helps you reduce and combat anxiety and stress eventually. Also, the sweating caused inside the sauna rooms help in increasing relaxation and reducing frustrations.
  • Get relief from pain and treat Fibromyalgia with the help of saunas. Saunas increase Beta-endorphins, the pain relieving compounds originated within our bodies. When you spend time in sauna rooms endorphin levels increase due to the stress exerted on the body. The heat stress and heat exposure in dry saunas result in significant increase in beta-endorphin levels. And as per some research sauna therapy can also reduce the pain experienced by fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome that is characterized by extensive pain with soreness in specific areas.
  • Regular saunas increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is a naturally occurring protein found in the brain that helps in lowering the risk of mental illness and improving moods. BDNF protects and repairs the brain cells, hence increases the growth of new brain cells.
  • Risk of dementia can be reduced with regular saunas. Dementia is one of the major reasons behind deaths after cardiovascular disease and cancer. And the worst part of this disease is that currently there is lack of effective treatment options for this condition. However, you can prevent the risk of dementia by using saunas regularly.
  • Is chronic fatigue making your life hell? Then sauna can help. Chronic fatigue if not treated can eventually affect your memory, concentration, immune system, sleep patterns and can cause headaches, joint and muscle pain and several other problems including gastrointestinal dysfunction. But it has been observed that with saunas chronic fatigue can be reduced to a great extent which also helps in reducing anxieties and depression.

Besides these saunas also helps with reducing tension related headaches, eliminating heavy metals, supporting thyroid functions, enhancing sleeping and a lot more.


Northern Lights Hot Tubs & Saunas can help you plan sauna rooms for your home or commercial establishment. If you want to know more about their services then visit

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